How to make bubble and squeak

How to make bubble and squeak

Bubble and squeak is a dish that is fried chiefly with extra vegetables, generally from Sunday lunch, making it mainstream for Monday lunch or supper. It’s a well-known “British Dish.” It is also one of the best ways to get your kids to eat their green vegetables. You can add more vegetables as much as you want. 

Usually, bubble and squeak will be eaten on a Monday for lunch or dinner, mostly with fried egg, and can add a little bacon or extra meat from the day before. It makes an excellent side dish for a meaty dinner, as well. 

There are no hard and fast rules for making this delicious dish except for mashed potatoes; it’s the “stick” that holds the dish together. Use this dish as a way to use up whatever you have left from dinner and change it into something delicious.


There are many ways to use vegetables, So, you may be wondering what makes this dish soo special?. Mainly since I say that there are various varieties in the ingredients. 

The answer is that in bubbles and squeaks, the vegetables are always fried. Then, at that point, you need to leave things cooked long enough to get a bit browned and crispy. While cooking, don’t be too quick to turn it. You want to get crispy bits in there. Following are the list of ingredients that you must-have for cooking Bubble and Squeak.

  • Five tablespoons butter or vegetable oil
  • 1 pound mashed potatoes 
  • ½ cup chopped onion
  • 1 cup of leftover vegetables (cabbage, cooked carrot, peas, and cooked brussels sprouts)
  • Salt, to taste
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • Fried eggs (optional)


  • Frying pan
  • Potato masher 
  • Chopping board 
  • Knife 
  • Vegetable peeler 
  • Plate 
  • Large metal spoon
  • Saucepans

Steps to make “Bubble and Squeak.”

Step 1

Before we started, we gathered all the vegetables 

Step 2 

Take a non-stick frying pan, melt the butter, put vegetable oil on medium flame, and ensure it doesn’t brown. Add the chopped onion and fry gently for about 3 to 4 minutes or until soft.

Step 3

Turn the heat up and add the mashed potatoes and all of the chopped vegetables. Then add the chopped meat if using. Fry for around 8 to 10 minutes, turning everything over continuously in the melted butter or oil to ensure that the potatoes and vegetables are thoroughly reheated. You are also expecting to brown the outside edges of the vegetables.

Step 4

At last, when the mixture is heated, give the vegetables one long last press and leave to cook for one moment. Flip over and repeat—season with salt and black pepper. 

Step 5

Finally, serve with a fried egg and enjoy! 

How long can you keep bubbles and squeak?

After cooking bubble and squeak, you can keep it for a maximum of 3 days in your fridge no more. It reheats well. You can either bake your leftover vegetables in the broiler until heated through or microwave them until quite hot. You can shape Bubble and Squeak into patties and fry them in a pan until browned.

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